
C++ [1, 2]

  • global variable is automatically initialized with default value.But local varible not!!.

  • There are two simple ways in C++ to define constants −

    1. Using #define preprocessor.

    2. Using const keyword.

  • wide charactor: L'a'
  • preprocessor
  • compile multiple files: $g++ main.cpp support.cpp -o write [2]
    • use extern to declare function in other cpp file
  • struct defination:
      struct Books {
      char  title[50];
      char  author[50];
      char  subject[100];
      int   book_id;
      struct Books Book1;        // Declare Book1 of type Book
      struct Books Book2; 
  • c++ 初始化列表

  • static 修饰普通函数

  • inline 直接将函数写入调用处,所以能加快运行速度,避免了内核的切换。
    • 类内定义的函数会默认为inline。
  • operator ?

  • friend:
    • Friend Class A friend class can access private and protected members of other class in which it is declared as friend.
      class Node {
          int key;
          Node* next;
          /* Other members of Node Class */
          friend int LinkedList::search();
          // Only search() of linkedList
          // can access internal members
    • Friend Function Like friend class, a friend function can be given a special grant to access private and protected members.
      class Node {
          int key;
          Node* next;
          /* Other members of Node Class */
          // Now class  LinkedList can
          // access private members of Node
          friend class LinkedList;
    • 都是在function或者class前面加friend就行。
  • template?

  • 右值与右值引用[3]:An lvalue is an expression that refers to a memory location and allows us to take the address of that memory location via the & operator. An rvalue is an expression that is not an lvalue.
    • X&& x
    • An rvalue reference behaves just like an lvalue reference except that it can bind to a temporary (an rvalue), whereas you can not bind a (non const) lvalue reference to an rvalue.[4]

      A&  a_ref3 = A();  // Error!
      A&& a_ref4 = A();  // Ok
    • 主要是为了实现一下两个功能:
      1. move semantics: 为了能调用rvalue作为输入的赋值函数,赋值时不用构造一个临时变量然后销毁。而是交换原始的value和rvalue,退出时自动销毁rvalue的内容,从而提升性能。(需要overload copy constructor and assignment operator)
        1. (主要是使用swap函数进行实现,swap里又使用了move semantics,我老觉得嵌套了,但是看这里[4]的说明,其实是将class的实现移交给内部变量的实现。)

          template <class T>
          class clone_ptr
              T* ptr;
              // construction
              explicit clone_ptr(T* p = 0) : ptr(p) {}
              // destruction
              ~clone_ptr() {delete ptr;}
              // copy semantics
              clone_ptr(const clone_ptr& p)
                  : ptr(p.ptr ? p.ptr->clone() : 0) {}
              clone_ptr& operator=(const clone_ptr& p)
                  if (this != &p)
                      delete ptr;
                      ptr = p.ptr ? p.ptr->clone() : 0;
                  return *this;
              // move semantics
              clone_ptr(clone_ptr&& p)
                  : ptr(p.ptr) {p.ptr = 0;}
              clone_ptr& operator=(clone_ptr&& p)
                  std::swap(ptr, p.ptr);
                  return *this;
              // Other operations
              T& operator*() const {return *ptr;}
              // ...
      2. perfect forwarding:主要是处理引用和rvalue的template问题。
  • 引用折叠[5]: template函数里的问题,我觉得看懂了,但是太复杂了不想写。
    • universal reference:If a variable or parameter is declared to have type T&& for some deduced type T, that variable or parameter is a universal reference.
  • 成员初始化列表
  • 智能指针:能够自动化地释放资源。
  • 不想使用编译器自动生成的函数,就应该明确拒绝(将不想使用的成员函数声明为 private,并且不予实现)

  • typedef as member(// 内嵌声明(nested type))
  • using kkk = typename

  • default initialization and value initialization in class?
  • rvalue reference lvalue reference 哪个不能赋值给哪个?
  • 类的初始化顺序
  • forward (why? for what?)
  • 引用折叠
  • function template
  • pointer to member function. and use it in find_if(19.4)


Written on April 29, 2022